
Wolf observation!

Hopefully we can develop tours for Wolves observation soon.

The wolf is one of the most difficult to observe mammals in Europe. There are very few tours aimed at the wolves, and most are focused on tracking the animals and discovering the signs of their presence.

Last night I have spent in a hide which potentially can turn to a site for wolf observation in the near future. The wolves were fed (with dead livestock) there regularly during the last five years and recently they become more habituated with it.
As we approached the area, we have checked the bait first. The donkey carcass was moved more than 30 meters away from where it was last night and it could be only done by wolves. Full of hope we entered the hide about 17.00. It soon became dark, but till 22.00 nothing really happen and the lack of foxes was very obvious as there are normally at least few of them. We have decided the most likely reason is the wolves’ presence. About 23.30 two foxes appeared and start feeding on the carcass.
Then, after few long hours, at 04.18 we have spotted the wolf feeding about 55 meters front of us. Few minutes later to our great pity the whole site was covered by thick fog which prevented us of seeing the wolf. We could however hear him cracking the bones. Amazing experience!

In the morning we left the hide and walking to the vehicles we saw Wild Cat tracks and spotted the local juvenile Golden Eagle.
I am looking forward to spend more nights in the hide this winter and if the wolves prove reliable, we shall develop Spatia Wildlife Wolf observation short break.

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