
Time for a change!

Dear all, as many of you already know, we are now in a process of changing our companys name and vision. We have been planning to do this for the last couple of years and have finally pushed the go button. The name Spatia Wildlife has served us well so far and become well known. After twelve years of operation, we think it is a time for a change, not only the name, but also and more importantly what we do and how we do it. Our new name, Wild Echo, will better emphasize our philosophy and approach to nature. We are going to change and improve many aspects of our work and services, especially towards further making our tours and services greener.

In the last 25 years, I have always been involved in the nature conservation.  Over the years with Spatia Wildlife we have supported a number of smaller initiatives in this field. Now we have launched a bigger project, which if successful will result in a large habitat in Bulgaria being restored and protected forever, for and on behalf of nature and biodiversity. That is another idea behind the new name, as the echo returns; we will also return something to the nature, not only take from it.

The old domain namestripslashes((strlen('www.spatiawildife.com')>0?' www.spatiawildife.com':' www.spatiawildife.com')) will be working of course but will know redirect you to the new home page -stripslashes((strlen('www.wildechotours.com')>0?' www.wildechotours.com':' www.wildechotours.com'))

Along with the new office e-mail address, which is stripslashes((strlen('info')>0?'info@wildechotours.com':'info@wildechotours.com')), the one we have used so far - stripslashes((strlen('office')>0?'office@spatiawildlife.com':'office@spatiawildlife.com')) will be in use too. But please use the new one if convenient for you.

We are working in finalizing our new policy and mission statement and it will be soon available on the website where you will find in detail all the information. Our new logo will be ready soon and the official legal change of the name will be done by the end of March 2016.
Thank you for taking your time and reading the news, and in fact it will be soon send as an e-mail shot to everybody on our mailing list. And thank you very much for attending our tours, you are always very welcome to return, whenever you find the time to join our tours.