
Our friend Mr. Maurice Pugh won photography competition!

Our friend Mr. Maurice Pugh won photography competition!

Our guest and dear friend Mr. Maurice Pugh has won two prizes in Southampton International Exhibition! The image of the two Apollos, which has been taken on our "Mountain Butterfly and Macro photography" tour in 2019 was awarded a Judges Medal. Other three images, of which 2 taken on the same tour, were accepted and another award as the Southampton Camera Club member with the highest score in digital imaging.
 “Very happy with the result, thanks for your assistance arranging such good tours to magical butterfly areas.”, said Mr. Pugh in his e-mail letter to Wild Echo.
All the award winning images can be seen as a slideshow on the Southampton Camera Club Exhibition website stripslashes((strlen('')>0?'':'www.southamptoninternationalexhibition.co.uk'))